Charging Clients for Appointments

There are two different ways you can charge clients for appointments - via the Clients tab or via the Payments tab.

Charging clients from the Clients tab

  1. Navigate to the Clients tab in your account
  2. Search for or find the desired client you would like to charge
  3. Click the Add Charges button in their row
  4. Select Appointment Charge
  5. Fill out the required appointment information
  6. Review the information and select "Confirm"

Charging clients from the Payments tab

  1. Navigate to the Payments tab in your account
  2. Click the Add Charges button
  3. Select Appointment Charge
  4. Select the Client and the Appointment Date
  5. Fill out the required appointment information
  6. Review the information and select "Confirm"

Once you confirm the charge, the client's payment method will be charged and the OON claim will be submitted to their insurance (if applicable).

Your Current Balance will update to reflect the charge, and you can review its details anytime in your transaction history.

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