Explaining Superbill Upload to Your Clients

Let your clients know about Thrizer Superbill Upload and offload all the insurance stress onto us! To learn more about this service, take a look at this resource if you haven't already.

This resources offers templates that you can leverage to explain Thrizer on your website and/or Psychology Today as well as template emails to share with your clients.

How can clients get started?

Clients can sign up on our website using the "Get Started" button. It only takes a few minutes.

Feel free to customize and share the template email below to explain Thrizer to them.

You can also add a "Submit Superbill" button on your client portal or website, directly linking them to our website to get started.

Explaining Thrizer on your website

Customize this verbiage in the Fees & Insurance or FAQ section of your website to direct clients to Thrizer and save them the insurance headache!

If you are fully private-pay

I am currently a private-pay, out-of-network provider. While I don't accept insurance directly, your insurance plan may have out-of-network benefits, which means that they will reimburse you for portion of our session cost. You can use Thrizer to verify your out-of-network benefits and submit superbills. They will manage the reimbursement process for you to save you the insurance headache. Once you meet your deductible, you receive reimbursements in a few weeks via direct deposit. You can create an account and get started at www.thrizer.com.

If you are in-network with some insurances

I currently accept these insurances: [Insurances]. For all other insurances, you may have out-of-network benefits, which means that insurance will reimburse you for a portion of our session cost. You can use Thrizer to verify your out-of-network benefits and submit superbills. They will manage the reimbursement process end-to-end for you to save you the insurance headache. Once you meet your deductible, you receive reimbursements in a few weeks via direct deposit. You can create an account and get started at www.thrizer.com.

Explaining Thrizer on your Psychology Today

Customize this shorter version on your Psychology Today profile in the Finances section to attract private pay clients.

You may have out-of-network benefits that can save you 50% or more on our sessions. You can use Thrizer to verify your benefits and submit superbills. They will manage the entire reimbursement process for you. I am happy to share more during our intake.

Thrizer Infographic

Feel free to download and include this Client Infographic on your website and onboarding emails.

Template email for clients

Share this email with your clients to help them understand how we work and easily onboard onto Thrizer. Feel free to attach the above client infographic too.

Hi there,

I found a resource that I think will be very helpful for you to pay for and save money on our sessions. It is called Thrizer, a service that handles the out-of-network process for you. Your insurance plan may have out-of-network benefits, which means that they will reimburse you for portion of our session cost after you meet your deductible. Thrizer verifies your out-of-network benefits and submits superbills to insurance on your behalf, saving you the insurance headache.

How it works:

  1. Create an account at www.thrizer.com and verify your out-of-network benefits
  2. Upload the superbills that I provide you onto Thrizer
  3. After meeting your deductible, receive reimbursements directly to your bank account in a few weeks

Feel free to learn more and follow along on this interactive demo as you get set up. Please also take a look at their pricing under the "Superbill Uploads" section.

If this service looks helpful to you, you can get signed up on their website. I will make sure to provide you with the superbills! I hope this service will streamline the reimbursement process and help you save on our sessions.



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