
Five Things I Unnecessarily Worried About Before Using Thrizer

Samantha Speed, LCMHC
July 5, 2024
Samantha Speed shares the five things she worried about before starting with Thrizer. She realized soon that her worries were unnecessary and that Thrizer had her back.

When I started my practice, I was learning so much at the jump.

From networking to marketing to business licensing, it felt like both an exciting and overwhelming process.

And when it came to financial decisions, I discovered I had a bit of a learning curve ahead of me.

(Because let’s be honest, in graduate school for counseling, it is a rarity to learn how to run a business, much less how to run a profit and loss statement).

So I began the journey, slowly but surely, and started to get my business in order and run my practice. 

Finding Thrizer, Gaining Accessibility

A step in this direction was gaining clarity on my values as a business owner. I wanted to ensure that I found a way to run a business that could support me, but mainly helped support my clients with quality and supportive psychotherapy services.

But I had a hard time finding a resource that helped provide greater access to my private pay practice.

I knew that something had to be out there to support my clients. And luckily, I found the resources I needed were provided by Thrizer.

Since using Thrizer, I have found five things that I used to worry about that are no longer a stressor for me.

Will my clients be able to access my services?

Now that I have begun to partner with Thrizer for my clients, I’ve created a greater net to provide accessibility to my clients.

For those clients that may not have been able to afford a private pay rate, I found Thrizer made the process quick and simple. I am able to do a quick benefits check to see how many sessions a client would need to schedule with me in order to fulfill their out of network deductible.

For many clients, they are pleasantly surprised to discover their insurance plan offers out-of-network benefits, Additionally, they can have reimbursement rates up to 80% for private pay services.

Such a win for my ideal client to find me and have more access to the work I’m so passionate about providing!

Will it be more stressful for my clients?

This worry was quickly dispelled after enrolling my first client into the Thrizer portal.

From the ease of the out-of-network benefits being explained by Thrizer via email to logging into their account and the clear FAQ page, my client was so happy to have a service that made this process so much easier.

Thrizer has helped cut out a number of hurdles by processing payments and submitting claims on my client’s behalf.

I’ve received such positive feedback from my clients, it’s really taken the stress off their plate! 

Will my clients feel supported?

I answer this question twofold.

My clients do both feel supported by me as their provider and by Thrizer.

If a client ever has questions about what they need to know about their out-of-network benefits, Thrizer’s help desk is quick to respond within roughly a business day.

I want to be able to partner with companies that give clients the resources they need when they need them.

Luckily, Thrizer has this goal in mind in the work that they do and are often making updates to the platform as well as communicating those updates regularly.

I find that the importance Thrizer puts on helping support those attempting to access their out-of-network benefits is a huge positive.

Will partnering with an out-of-network claims processor be stressful for me as a business owner?

When searching for a company to assist my clients with out-of-network benefits, I was concerned it would add stress to my clients and to my own administrative tasks.

I wanted a company that made it easy for me as a business owner.

Thrizer turned out to be very streamlined in this regard. The platform is simple and to the point which is exactly what I wanted.

I can easily enroll clients into the platform, add the necessary information, and process payments.

I only have to do a couple of clicks and not only is payment processed, but a claim gets submitted automatically on the client’s behalf.

Lastly, I can easily complete my sessions with a few steps and Thrizer has been such a game changer for me.

How will I fill up my caseload?

In addition to providing access for potential clients, I now don’t have to worry about how I am going to fill up my caseload.

I was so hesitant to panel with an insurance provider for a variety of reasons (mainly the added administrative responsibilities), but partnering with a company like Thrizer has helped me fill up my caseload with ideal clients who may have never considered working with a private pay therapist.

It has helped me have a sense of stability in my caseload and has helped me not burn out by adding in another administrative responsibility.

I am even able to use Thrizer as a way to market my practice in a simple, easy-to-explain manner that has helped increase my caseload every month.

Final Thoughts

These few questions (amongst many others) were questions that have been put to rest since finding Thrizer.

I feel so free to do the work I love to do as a psychotherapist, that I can reduce my own burnout, and provide quality care as an anxiety and religious trauma specialist.

Additionally, I feel that the question of “what’s the catch?” has always been answered with “there is no catch” when using Thrizer.

I have recommended Thrizer to so many colleagues and clinicians because of the ease and simplicity it provides me as a solo private practice owner.

It has truly been an amazing support for my business and has been such an incredible tool for me to use.

If you’re wondering if you should take the leap with Thrizer, I can confidently say that you should look no further and jump on this train!


This blog post is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal, business, medical, or insurance advice. Laws relating to health insurance and coverage are complex, and their application can vary widely depending on individual circumstances and state laws. Similarly, decisions regarding mental health care should be made with the guidance of qualified health care providers. We strongly recommend consulting with a qualified attorney or legal advisor, insurance representative, and/or medical professional to discuss your specific situation and how the laws apply to you or your situation.

About the Author
Samantha Speed, LCMHC

Samantha Speed is a LCMHC in North Carolina, LPC in Georgia and holds telehealth licenses in Florida and South Carolina. She believes that therapy isn’t a place to be “fixed,” but an opportunity for growth. Samantha specializes in three things: anxiety & people pleasing, trauma, and religious trauma & deconstruction. When she’s not providing therapy, you can find Samantha spending her free time adventuring with her family, watching the latest popular series/tv show, and cooking for her loved ones. You can find out more about Samantha at samanthaspeed.com